Are you Sabotaging your Own Company?

You want to grow your company.  You are working your butt off to try and make that happen but it just doesn’t seems like you are getting anywhere. 

You wake up on a Sunday morning after another 60 or 70 hour week and you not only realize that not only did you not make any forward progress but you actually went backwards!

Who is at blame?  You know that this just is not right!

This is not what you wanted or thought life would be like when you went into business.   You are supposed to have more time to spend with your family, been able to build a new house and take a long vacation once or twice a year.  You realize that you aren’t even close to that.

Who is causing the problem? It is time for a dose of the truth, a reality check.

What is the real reason that’s holding you back?  Think about the top three things, circumstances, conditions, things or people that are preventing you and your company from achieving greater results.

Alright, you got them in your head?  Let me guess, I bet all three were outside of you, the owner. Am I right?  It is pretty easy to predict… nearly all business owners take all the credit for their successes and point blame at someone else for everything that goes wrong.  It’s not that hard to figure out, it is human nature.

Most everyone wants to believe that someone or something outside of themselves are causing their problems.  Most entrepreneurs are not that honest with themselves and don’t want to consider that they might be the main reasons holding their company back.

Are you the big exception?

Let’s look the external factors first.  Maybe this is something external that is the culprit.  Were your top three obstacles, challenges or hurdles a struggling economy, competitors cutting prices,  national or local politics, your project managers, all of your employees, tightwad bankers, bad customers, vendors raising their prices, fuel cost, Obama Care, etc.?  These and other factor probably are contributing factor.

Wait, aren’t most or all of these just excuses?  These are an easy way to let yourself off the hook or to let you play the victim card.  Everyone of you competitors are facing all of these same conditions.   Part of your being an entrepreneur is to put yourself in a position to have the power, insight and control of the function of your company so that you can steer the ship in the appropriate direction to get through these external things and stay afloat.

The bottom line when you say that you are powerless to anything about your situation you are saying that this situation is out of control, that you are just a powerless bouey aimlessly adrift and that you have no control over other people and your circumstances.  You are saying that you would prefer to bury your head in the sand and tell yourself a bunch of “Woe is me” stories just so that you can feel better about yourself.

OUCH!!!!  That probably hit a nerve but it is time to look in the mirror and own up to the fact that your situation is out of control.  I don’t in pussy footing around the facts.

Maybe you need a good swift kick in the pants and some tough love is in order!  My Strategic Growth Contractor Coaching program helps entrepreneurs wake-up, transform their habits, mindset and outlook so that they can learn how to take back control of their companies and their lives.  In order to do that you have to take 100% responsibility for your actions and embrace a new way of looking at and doing things in your business.

This can be easier said than done.  All of us, including me can become really good and building reasonable sounding defenses.  In fact some of us get so good at it we could think about changing professions and becoming defense attorneys.  You can’t start to fix whats wrong until you admit that there is a problem.

We delude ourselves into thinking that if we don’t admit it’s a problem we can just work longer and harder and it might fix it self or get better on its own.  This is just a bad plan.  It is just another way to avoid the real issue which is your own denial is the problem and you need to take the action to fix it.

You deserve much better!  You can have better.  It is time to stop playing the blame game, complaining its everyone elses fault and trying to rationalize why things aren’t working out the way you want them to.  Stop feeding yourself and everyone around you a line of bull just to make yourself feel better.  If you do nothing, nothing is going to change.  The definition of insanity is to “keep doing the same things over and over and expecting to get a different result”!

This is your wake-up call!  If the results you are getting from your business aren’t what you expected or what you want and you care about yourself and the people around you then stop wasting time making up a bunch of lame excuses.  It is time to get ahold of “The Contractor Doc” and let me help you work out a plan to get you and your company  back on course.

You can either be a Winner or a Whiner!  To be a Winner, you have to step up and take 100% of the results you have gotten from your company and your personal life.  That means you have to accept the fact that you are responsible for everything to do with what your company is and the condition it is in.  You get what you make either on purpose or by default.  The real question is do you have broad enough shoulders and enough strength and desire to accept that responsibility?

If you can then you are a winner and you will be a success!   Your success can not be denied.  If you can’t then you will end up being just a whiner and you will keep getting what you are getting because you will keep doing what you are doing.

I know that the truth is hard to hear.  The reality is that if you want a better business you need to become a better business Owner.  If you want more sales with more profit, you need to have a better company in order to provide a higher value service.  If you want  to hire better people you need to become a more worthy employer.  I you want to provide that better service you need to listen to you customers on what they want.  You need to be a better owner so that you can lead and mange you company to become a better company.

The bottom line is this!  You can either keep making a bunch of excuses or you can start making more money.  You can keep doing what you are doing or you can create a better business.  You can either be a winner or a whiner.  Which do you choose?

Lets go back to the beginning of this article.  Who is you worst enemy?  What is really holding your company back from being what you wanted it to be from the start?


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