How many Hats are you wearing in Your Construction Business?

How many hats are you wearing?

Have you let yourself get trapped wearing too many different hats in your Construction business?

Most contractors fall victim to the “Get out of my way and just let me do it” syndrome… Salesman, money chaser, cash flow analyst, equipment fixer, HR guy, project manager, customer management specialist, material ordering, scheduler, check writer, fire fighter and on and on and on.  With that kind of chaos your financial success is just a pipe dream. What a crazy and stressful way to run a business and worse yet run your life.

How does that happen?  You actually fall victim to this common syndrome by accident.  It sneaks up on you over time.  When you start out on your business venture you end up having to do pretty much everything.  By your nature, especially coming up through the ranks in the trades you are hard wired to be a hands on kind of guy.  When the entrepreneurial spirit hits you and you start your own company that works fairly well in the very beginning.  But as your company grows, gets more business, more employees and becomes more complex it becomes more difficult to continue to do everything and wear all the hats.

The problem comes in when the Owner lets themselves get trapped into not giving up some of those hats.  Your training has always been on how to do it but not how to train and how to delegate.  So out of habit and training Owners continue to do, take on another task that needs to be done and put on another hat.  Sadly, this is a counter-productive practice and will slow or stunt your company’s  growth and the your long term financial success.

You have a choice.  You can either get the help of a business coach and learn the business skills you need to become an effective leader and entrepreneur.  You can build on your individual strengths and learn the new skills you need to build a business not just a high stress, low paying job.

I want you to learn how to develop a new mindset and take a better approach to running and building your business.  I take a strategic approach to help you evaluate your existing leadership strengths and build on those.  You can then develop the new skills and new mindset to strategically pass out the hats you are currently wearing to others.

If you can transform yourself, grow a new mindset of an entrepreneur instead of the “I do it all guy” your business can get on track to be more fun, allow you to have more time for fun and provide you the financial success you wanted when you first started.

In our virtual contractor business coaching process we will work with you to pass out the hats.  To be successful at making this transaction you need to be ready and willing to develop a new mindset.  A mindset where you think strategically in the way you approach and manage your business.

The real issue comes down to you.  Are you ready to shift your mindset to get rid of those extra hats and learn how to be a CEO or are you willing to settle for your current status quo and keep adding on more hats?

Here are some questions that can help you decide if you are really ready.

  • Have the number of hats you are wearing increased or decreased over the last 6 months?
  • Do you constantly jump around and wear 10 different hats every day?
  • Have you past off 1, 3 or any hats in the last 12 months?
  • Are you sick and tired of feeling like you are the only one that can do anything right?

If you are not passing off some of your hats you are not moving forward.  Your current mindset is that of the doer not the CEO.  But, on the other hand,  if you are sick and tired of your current status quo,  you are ready to get to work building your skills to become a great CEO you can change and are ready to achieve true success.  Once you become committed to passing out all of the hats until the only one is left,  that of the CEO you can now manage your path to financial freedom.

I am going to be honest with you, this takes work on your part.  You need to learn and grow as a leader.  Learn and hone the new business skills need to be successful.  You need to be willing to accept a shift in your mindset in order to give up the routine and trivial details.  You need to learn give up the small stuff and concentrate on the big stuff.  Many Owners don’t have what it takes to make this critical transformation from doer to strategic CEO.  They just can’t figure out how to hand out the hats.

If you are not ready, and don’t mind the weight of wearing all the hats and doing all the stuff that needs to be done everyday,  that’s okay.  Just keep in mind that if you “keep doing what you are doing you will keep getting what you are getting”.  Over worked, overwhelmed and chained to your business.  It is you choice.

But if you are ready to move to the next step in your business to get on the path to business success and financial freedom take the next step.

Click here to take the first step to your extraordinary success!